書  名: EAST ASIAN MODERN GIRL : women, media, and colonial modernity in the interwar years. HyperLink

分類號: 950

作  者: WANG, SUMEI. 出 版 社: BRILL

定 價: 110.93 (美金) (1038日前換算)

今日最新換算為新台幣約: $3163.3686元

ISBN: 9789004424661
出版日期: 2020 裝  訂:
來  源: WorldCat


    The East Asian Modern Girl' reports the long-neglected experiences of modern women in East Asia during the interwar period. The edited volume includes original studies on the modern girl in Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria, Japan, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, which reveal differentiated forms of colonial modernity, influences of global media and the struggles of women at the time. 0The advent of the East Asian modern girl is particularly meaningful for it signifies a separation from traditional Confucian influences and progression toward global media and capitalism, which involves high political and economic tension between the East and West. This book presents geo-historical investigations on the multi-force triggered phenomenon and how it eventually contributed to greater post-war transformations.
推薦人數: 2 推薦日期: 2021/6/24 上午 10:49:07
資料現況: 可外借

館 藏 地: 總館4F西文圖書區 索書號: 950 E133
訂數: 1
推薦目的: 建議典藏地: